
Aaron Prisk
Topic: Ubucon

From the birth of the internet, to the rise of Chromebooks, the way in which we interact with technology has radically changed. How can we ensure the open source movement and the incredible community around it carries on into the future? Join me in a discussion on how we can come together to bridge the open source gap between boomers and zoomers!

Erik Mondrian
Audience: Everyone
Topic: FOSS @ HOME

As both a longtime Resident of Second Life and someone who is deeply fascinated by the concept of "place" more generally, I wanted to see this world (or parts of it) in a more comprehensive way than the platform's software is able to show. To that end, I've been creating large-scale terrain models of various areas, using a combination of LSL, Python, and Blender.

In this presentation I will go into more detail about the process involved, touching on some of the challenges I've encountered while hopefully also giving attendees a better look at Blender's incredibly powerful Python API.

Julien Riou
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: PostgreSQL

Performing database schema changes on a live system is challenging because it often involves high level of locks leading to downtime. It becomes harder and harder when the number of databases to manage raise continuously. At OVHcloud, we used to manage such changes approximately. In this talk, you will discover our feedback on how we have reduced efforts, time and human errors by automating databases schema migrations using git, code reviews, CI/CD, migration tools and Ansible at the OVHcloud scale.

Reza Rassool
Topic: Kwaai Summit

Deep Dive: Fluidic Neural Networks

Reid Vandewiele
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Cloud Native

The presentation will allow the audience to improve their Kubernetes Resource Management skills and ultimately enhance their overall productivity, with a clear call to action to avoid performance degradation, avoid outages, provide better multi-tenancy, and ultimately reduce cloud costs.

Jason Nucciarone
Topic: Ubucon

In this interactive workshop, we will peel back the buzzwords and fancy diagrams to get hands-on experience with deploying our own converged HPC system on your laptop. Using several free and open source tools, along with some code by the Ubuntu HPC community team we will deploy our own minified test cluster.

Alkin Tezuysal
Audience: Everyone
Topic: MySQL

This  talk proposal explores the essential concepts and practical skills outlined in the book "Database Design and Modeling with MySQL." Databases are the backbone of modern applications, and mastering their design and modeling is crucial for building efficient and scalable systems. This talk will provide an overview of the book's key insights and how they can empower developers, database administrators, and data professionals to create robust, high-performing databases.

Oz Katz
Audience: Intermediate

Not all typical engineering or system engineering practices are the right patterns for data engineering - and this distinction is important. This talk will focus on the predominant dev/stage/prod environments example and present a better practice when it comes to data engineering, operations and management. 


Daphne Muller
Topic: Ubucon

Whether it's getting a handle on your photos, your budget or your recipe collection, Nextcloud is your one stop for degooglifying yourself. But there are as many needs for applications as there are people in the world. Nextcloud offers you the basics to build your app upon. In the workshop we will get you started on developing your first Nextcloud app.

Julia Iacoviello
Audience: Intermediate

In this talk, we will review several approaches to performance analysis using real-world constraints, such as the need to keep systems up during diagnosis. A framework of high availability systems and storage will be used to explore cascading performance impacts across layers that may disguise the true bottleneck point. Attendees will gain a knowledge of effective strategies for diagnosing bottlenecks and optimizing performance to use within a broad base of infrastructure applications.