Capture the Flag Security Competitions

"Interested in cybersecurity? Join us for SCaLE's Annual Capture the Flag (CTF) game presented by Cal Poly Fast. The general CTF features jeopardy-style challenges focusing on cryptography, networking, operating systems, programming, and more. Made to be an educational and instructional experience, this CTF game is perfect for anyone new to CTFs and cybersecurity.

More experienced in cybersecurity? Try Cal Poly Fast's mobile forensics CTF game! In this game, participants will be presented with a predefined file system of the targeted mobile device. By exploring the mobile file system, participants learn how the file system is organized and how to harvest phone data [i.e. phone calls, screen time, phone usage, app usage, communications, etc].

To participate in this Capture the Flag (CTF) game, participants must BRING THEIR OWN DEVICE. Some challenges will be auditory-based, so headphones are encouraged. Participants are allowed to participate in both CTF games simultaneously.


11:30am - 12pm Registration

12pm - 3:30pm - CTF

3:30 - 4pm - Award Calculations and Prizes

Saturday, March 16, 2024 - 11:30