The Impact of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology on the DevOps Experience

Blockchain is a transformational technology that has and will have a significant impact on software development and enterprise systems. Although blockchain started out as the foundational technology for Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies, the technology has matured well beyond currency speculation. Today, blockchain serves as the basis for much broader use on the Distributed Ledger Technology landscape.
In short, blockchain is not a fad and if anything, it’s going to be woven more tightly into the fabric of modern application development. Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology is not going anywhere and DevOps professionals are going to need to be able to work it all.
The purpose of this talk is to provide an introductory overview of blockchain and distributed ledger technology focused on the needs and interests of the DevOps professional. Questions that will be asked and answered during this presentation are:
What are blockchain and distributed ledger technology and how does it all work?
What do I need to know to work effectively with blockchain and distributed ledger technology as a DevOps professional?
What are the system level uses for blockchain and distributed ledger technology?
- What are some examples of blockchain and distributed ledger technology that can be demonstrated at the code level?
About the presenter:
Bob Reselman is an internationally known software developer and technology writer. He is presently Senior Technical Analyst at Blockchain Journal. Also, Bob has written a number of books on computer programming and the culture of software development. He is the author of hundreds of in-depth articles on a wide variety of technical topics. He lives in Los Angeles, California.