Speaker Interview: Joshua Miller

Joshua Miller or took a few minutes to talk to the SCALE Team about his presentation, "Where'd All My Memory Go?"
Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?
A: Josh is a linux system administrator at  He's been doing linux administration for eight years.
Q: You're giving a talk on "Where'd All My Memory Go?" Without tipping your hand on the actual talk, can you give us an idea of what we might expect?

Speaker Interview: Roberto Aguilar

Roberto Aguilar will be giving a talk on "Automated Deployment with Django, Docker and Salt." The SCALE Team caught up with him and asked him a few questions about his presentation.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: Hi, I'm Roberto Aguilar.  I'm a full-stack Internet applications developer and have been part of the entire product lifecycle including design, architecture, implementation, and maintenance.  I've written software for servers and embedded systems.

Speaker Interview: Howard Chu

OnenLDAP's chief architect Howard Chu took a few minutes to answer some questions from the SCALE Team about his presentation, "What's New with OpenLDAP."

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: I'm the Chief Architect of the OpenLDAP Project and CTO of Symas Corp. I've been writing free software since the 1980s, working on such projects as gcc, gmake, etc. through the years

Speaker Interview: Deb Nicholson

Deb Nicholson is going to tell you about trolls -- "Trolls Aren't the Only Threat Under the Bridge" -- in her presentation at SCALE 12X. Deb took a few minutes to answer a few questions for the SCALE Team.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: I'm Deb Nicholson. I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts and I used to work in politics before finding my home in the free software movement. I work on a few projects including the Open Invention Network, OpenHatch and GNU MediaGoblin.

Guest Blog Post - Jaisen Mathai - Trovebox

Southern California Linux Expo Partners With Trovebox

At Trovebox we work hard to provide the simplest way for organizations to work with photos and videos. We’re big fans of SCALE. You might have seen us on the exhibitor floor in years past when we were OpenPhoto.

I reached out to Gareth and Ilan who help organize Scale to get their thoughts on running a photo contest. They thought it was a great idea so I got to work on setting everything up.

Guest Post: Caryl Bigenho - Coders' Corner

New At SCaLE This Year!
The Coders' Corner is a brand new event coming to SCaLE 12X. Inspired by the recent Google Hour of Code, the Coders' Corner is a place to bring your friends and family of all ages, abilities, and interests to find out how much coding can be. You are invited to bring your own laptop, tablet, or you can use one of the machines we will have in the room. It will be a place where coders are welcome to come to share ideas and skills with each other and, especially with people new to coding.