SCALE 14x Registration now open

Registration for SCALE 14x is now open -- be the first in your neighborhood to register for the largest community-run Linux expo in North America.

The Full Access Pass, which provides access to all SCALE sessions, is $75. The Expo Only Ticket, providing access to exhibit hall only, is $15. The exhibit halls for SCALE 14x are open on Saturday and Sunday only.

To register, click the Register link at the top of this page, or visit


SCaLE 14X – the 14th annual Southern California Linux Expo – takes place on Jan. 21-24, 2016, at the Pasadena Convention Center. As the first-of-the-year Linux/Open Source software expo in North America, SCaLE 14X expects to host 150 exhibitors this year, along with nearly 130 sessions, tutorials and special events

SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in Los Angeles.

Present! Submit a proposal for a session via our call for papers.

Sponsor! Sponsorship and commercial exhibitor opportunities are available, in addition to our Non-Profit/Dot-Org exhibitor opportunities.

Attend! Register online to attend SCALE 14x. 

Get Involved! Interested in helping to plan and/or to volunteer for SCALE 14X? Get in touch by either filling out this form or sending us an email.

Call for Volunteers

SCALE 14x is coming up and will be our largest event yet. As we are an entirely volunteer-organized event, we could use your help! We are looking for volunteers who can assist our teams in the areas of registration, A/V, graphics design, room monitoring, speaker introductions and more.

If any of these sound interesting to you, and you would like to help make SCALE 14x our biggest and best year yet please get in touch.

Bryan Lunduke's 'Linux Sucks' comes to SCALE 14X

With great fanfare, FOSS raconteur Bryan Lunduke will bring his annual "Linux Sucks" presentation -- complete with film crew and streaming for those who cannot make it here to Pasadena -- at SCALE 14X. Also, if you can't wait for the video in January, Lunduke also announces that his book, "Linux Sucks" (Spoiler alert: It doesn't), will be out soon. So you can read the book and then see the movie in January. It's a win-win.

Birds of a Feather Registration Open for SCALE 14x

Have a passion you'd like to share? Is there a community you want to connect with at SCALE? Want some open discussion on a topic?

If so, create or join a BoF as SCALE 14x will continue the tradition of providing space for groups to meet and discuss their common interests.

BoFs will run on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, the 19th, 20t, and 21st of January.

Birds of a feather are informal meet-ups or discussions, where SCaLE attendees can get together with others who share an interst without a pre-designated agenda.

Amateur Radio at SCALE 14x

SCALE's getting into amateur radio in a big way this year, starting with offering HAM exams. The tests will be conducted on Sunday, from 11 AM to 3 PM, at our PCC venue. Walk-in's welcome.

We also have a special treat for all the HAM's and wannabe HAM's in attendence. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) of Southern California will demonstrate their mesh network and how that facilitates emergency communication.

SCALE will also have it's own channel for the duration of the event, so if you have a licence and a radio, bring it over. Come be a part of the HAM community.