Speaker Interview: Schuyler St. Leger

SCALE 14x media sponsor has graciously pitched in with writing some of the speaker interviews for those giving presentations at SCALE 14x.'s Don Watkins interviews Schuyler St. Leger, who is speaking on SCALE 14x Saturday at 11:30 on "Open Source Radio."

The link to the article is here:

Speaker Interview: Alex Juarez

SCALE 14x media sponsor has graciously pitched in with writing some of the speaker interviews for those giving presentations at SCALE 14x.'s Jason Baker interviews Alex Juarez, who is speaking on SCALE 14x Saturday at 11:30 on "Your System Calls and You - A Brief Exploration of Using strace."

The link to the article is here:

Speaker Interview: Lars Kurth

Free/Open Source Software veteran Lars Kurth will be giving a couple of presentation at SCALE, including one on SCALE Sunday at 3 on "Are Today's FOSS Security Practices Robust Enough in the Cloud Era?" The SCALE Team caught up with Lars for some insight on this talk.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

Speaker Interview: Sandro Mathys

Sandro Mathys, the MidoNet Community Manager at Midokura, will be giving a presentation on SCALE Sunday at 4:30 on "Introduction to MidoNet Plugin for OpenStack Neutron." The SCALE Team caught up with Sandro to provide some insight into his talk.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?