
Mica Semrick, Pat David, Nathan Willis
Topic: LibreGraphics

Wondering what has transpired in your favorite graphics applications over the last year? Join us for a recap of project development!

Dustin Laurence
Audience: Developer
Topic: Developer

Programmers typically no longer learn C until they need to write an extension, patch an existing codebase, speed up a bottleneck, or take a job with some low-level coding. You're a programmer and can teach yourself syntax. Instead, we will address your three biggest hurdles, which are usually not taught systematically: using OOP skills, managing memory, and handling exceptional conditions, all without language help. We will focus on plain C, but much of the material will apply directly to C++. Some of it will even make you a better programmer in your favorite higher-level language.

Vagrant Cascadian
Audience: Beginner
Topic: Security

There is an epic journey from reviewed source code to the code you actually run on your computer, and things can go quietly wrong along the way! Reproducible Builds gives a project confidence that the journey from source code to binary code gets you there and back again.

Audience: Intermediate
Topic: PostgreSQL

Cloud providers provide for a fully managed postgres database, the removal of the need to handle 90% of the administration of a postgresql database, and have you focus on the development end of it.  I'll provide metrics between the 3 major cloud providers of their managed postgresql database and compare it to self-managed postgresql environment on the cloud providers with a VM/EC2 instance.  

der hans
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: SysAdmin

MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database.

Like most databases, MongoDB benefits from particular GNU/Linux system tuning.

While GNU/Linux distributions and container distributions create good default configurations, they need some changes to get optimal performance for your database needs.

Attendees will learn about the following for MongoDB:

* Linux kernel tuning
* memory tuning
* block device tuning
* filesystem tuning
* network tuning

Michal Hrusecky
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Security

There are plenty of attackers on the Internet. They seek any vulnerable device available online. Who are they? What are they trying to do? And how to defend yourself? We are trying to answer some of those questions by making open source routers, that can serve as a security probes around the world. We are gathering data about bad guys and we are sharing them. And you can join us and make it harder for the bad guys even without the router. Want to know how to easily mess with those guys? Want to be better protected? I'll tell you how you can use what we do to achieve that!

Tom Lechner
Audience: Everyone
Topic: LibreGraphics

Being able to make video games entirely while in Linux has never been easier. Using the special case of simulating a large rotating space station in VR, Tom will explore how to implement various elements of games with Godot including its new and very experimental VR system, as well as software pipelines to create and import assets. Come to learn about VR controllers, rigid body physics, materials, low poly baking, and more.

Mason Sharp
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: PostgreSQL

Data scientists want access to data sets quickly, but organizations often need to protect private data, whether due to internal policy or government regulations. In this talk we discuss how to leverage PostgreSQL for managing organization-wide data access while protecting privacy. Topics include: Row Level Security, Purpose-based data access, Federating data, Foreign data wrappers, Masking, Differential privacy, k-anonymity, and Auditing with pgAudit

Ell Marquez
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

While we’re fighting for our security and privacy, some are being left behind. Our current advice for securing our digital lives assume that the user is able to take control of their own own lives and are permitted to keep certain facts secret in order to authenticate to a service or device. For those whose threat models include former or current intimate partners their proximity to their attacker means that many security solutions are ineffective and, in some cases, harmful to implement. We will explore cases where traditional security measures fail an already-vulnerable populatiions.

Patrick Swartz
Audience: Everyone

As Linux and open source continue to expand into all areas of IT, sysadmins need a concise way to manage patches, deployments, security, and configurations to name just a few. The new Uyuni project intends to answer those questions and more.
This presentation will introduce Uyuni and give a demo of use-cases across several Linux platforms and architectures.