
Svetlana Karslioglu
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Open Data

Today, AI algorithms are everywhere. They are used in finance, biomedical, automotive, and other industries. They help make decisions about our health, whether you get a loan or not, and whether your resume gets through the HR to the hiring manager. AIs can predict your chances of surviving cancer. But what if that data was biased? Data Scientists need a reliable way to go back in time and analyze their steps with a version-control solution that adheres to the principles of the modern infrastructure and that works with such tools as Kubernetes and Kubeflow.

Nicolas Fränkel
Audience: Developer
Topic: Open Data

Some countries in Europe understand the potential there's in existing data that sits behind closed fences, and passed laws to make this data available to everyone.

On the other hand, the batch processing model gets more and more obsolete: users want the information as soon as possible. While there’s a trade-off between correctness of data, and its speed of delivery, most business decisions do not rely on 100% correct data.

Alexander Ziff, Anthony Langer
Audience: Beginner

Brave is a free and Open-Source web-browser built on the Chromium engine. Our research purpose is to experiment with how this “reward system” function can benefit you. The primary focus is to see whether this “reward system” is worth switching over to. Over a three month time period, we’ll shed some light and provide you our perspective on this new approach to earn some extra bucks while surfing the web. 

Galen Emery
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

Failures are a normal occurrence and how the system responds to component failures determines if the system is resilient or if it results in an incident. This is true not just for Information Systems but also for industrial and mechanical systems. Users can learn from the experience of these systems on what common themes permeate and how to best build our software factories to minimize the effect of component failures and prevent incidents from becoming accidents. This talk walks through the issues and experiences of complex systems and identifies the common failure points.

Clint Byrum
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

In a world, where DevOps means almost nothing and everything, or sometimes just "Ops, but nicer to devs and with cloud and GitHub", one being among all of us is willing to stand up and laugh in the face of inertia.


Bring your DevOps rage, love and tears, and we'll distill them into 120 proof beligerance.

Francis Potter
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

Ten years into the DevOps revolution, organizations have adopted key principles such as culture shift, collaboration, containerization, infrastructure as code, and automation. But challenges lie ahead, as all companies become software companies, speed and security become more critical, and silos still exist. Successful organizations will be those who measure everything, see their applications as many-headed beasts, iterate, get serious about failure, and adopt right-to-left thinking by collecting data in production and routing it back to design and development in useful ways.

Aaron Turner
Audience: Developer
Topic: Developer

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a universal low level bytecode that runs on the web. WASI is a low-level, modular system interface for WebAssembly. This talk will cover the basics of building WebAssembly modules for both the browser and WASI using AssemblyScript. Then we will highlight some characteristics of WebAssembly that make it a great fit for containerization. Such as capability based permissions, sandboxing, and portability. After this, we will show off running QuickJS compiled to WASI running on the server.

Karsten Wade
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

As a community manager or any other contributor to an open source project, you'll find yourself learning and thinking of good methods and practices for having a happy, successful, and productive project. Community managers and other contributors share these practices with each other all the time -- in talks, in person, as blog posts, and sometimes as a stand-alone book. But has anyone ever really collaborated on a guide that is for practitioners and collaboratively written BY practitioners? Actually, yes: 10 years ago The Open Source Way 1.0 was written and released. Now 2.0 is here.

Rami AlGhanmi, Miguel Zuniga
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Cloud

Pipelines are a traditional component of CI/CD processes in development environments and a key component of DevOps practices. As dependencies, microservices and cloud-provider requirements grow, pipelines are becoming monolithic.

In this talk, we will discuss and demonstrate how to migrate monolithic pipelines to a declarative GitOps-enabled Workflows that treat your individual CD activities as shareable blocks using Jenkins, Argo Flux and Kubernetes.

Matt Davis
Audience: Everyone

The talk will unravel the methodology around how we humans come together and operate complex software systems by taking a closer look at intuition through the eyes of performing in a music ensemble. It will introduce the concept of Fundamental Common Ground Breakdown and how this interrupts our efforts to collaborate and respond to events and incidents. A Chaos Engineering Game Day walkthrough will show that intuition is not an act of instinct, but a developed ability based on careful analysis and practice. It shows being inspired by working together in tech is a thing, like playing in a band.