
Abe Kazemzadeh
Audience: Everyone
Topic: LibreGraphics

This presentation will cover tools and techniques to produce video tutorials. We look at recording footage from smartphones, webcams, and screen capture with Open Broadcaster Software Studio. We will also look at the five-shot sequence, a journalistic technique for making footage more interesting and artful using B-Roll footage edited with OpenShot. We'll also look at creating animated presentations using Sozi, Graphviz, and LaTeX/Beamer.

Alexander Rubin
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: MySQL

Protecting PII data is one of the biggest challenges of security minded DBA. But when you add a requirement to allow customers to have a direct access to a database replica it will make a life of a DBA nightmare.In this talk I will share an experience of how to implement customer authentication, authorization and data isolation in MySQL.

Joe Needleman
Audience: Advanced
Topic: Embedded

We take for granted so many of the modern technologies we use and see around us every day, but are they really so modern? ATMs are one such technology, which we rely on to be secure and get us the cash we need from our accounts. ATMs are all around us, but they are always just out of reach... Or are they? This talk explores obtaining ATMs, the strange world of ATM processors, and the trials and struggles to discover how ATMs really work and eventually rock the cash box.

Davide Cavalca
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

We'll focus on how we deploy and manage CentOS on our fleet at Facebook, and showcase challenges, best practices and lessons learned working with a deployment of hundreds of thousands of machines. We'll discuss challenges encountered over the years, tools that we developed to overcome them, the process used to integrate upstream updates, packaging tools and workflows and configuration management challenges. Finally, we'll talk about our approach for working and building relationships with upstream open source communities and projects.

Richard Yen
Audience: Beginner
Topic: PostgreSQL

Something that many PostgreSQL users take for granted is the powerful logging features that it provides. With the right configuration, DBAs and sysadmins can quickly diagnose performance, security, and configuration issues, saving precious seconds of application uptime. This talk will cover the major logging parameters in `postgresql.conf`, as well as provide some tips and wisdom gleaned over years of parsing through gigabytes of logs.

Murriel Perez-McCabe
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

This talk will review strategies and tools for managing secrets in different environments, with a particular focus on cloud infrastructure, application secrets, and secrets within the DevOps CI/CD pipeline. We will look at different approaches to secrets management, exploring processes and methodologies, best practices and anti-patterns. From here we will dive into specific tools and technologies, from open source to commercial tools.

Ty Shipman
Topic: Security

The talk covers practical solutions for securely storing passwords, secure ways to share those master passwords.  I will also answer the question; “How do I allow others to access all my password after I am unavailable, incapacitated or dead?”

Nathan Chan
Audience: Beginner
Topic: Security

For the newcomer cybersecurity is a very broad field, and there is a lot of information to explore. This presentation will offer some free resources mainly organized in three areas:
Management – most non-technical security issues
Infrastructure – most technical items that are not created by the organization but enable the work to get done
Engineering – anything the organization creates, builds, sells, or provides to customers.
Additional resources will include helpful general information, local meetings to attend, certification considerations, and educating oneself.

Dave McAllister
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Observability

RED (Rates, Errors, Duration) is designed for monitoring microservices. RED gives you the framework to build alerting, monitoring and analysis into a flexible structure to meet the emerging needs of services-based cloud-native architectures and give you the capability to grow as your environment scales. By seeing multiple dimensions, we can monitor and focus to get to root cause faster, with less false positives and quicker resolution. We’ll look at how signals impact observability. The RED approach will help reduce your production issues and fail panics we all see.

Rob Richardson
Audience: Developer

In our quest to secure all the things, do we jump in too quickly? We'll use Istio and Linkerd as example service meshes, and look at the features we would expect from a service mesh. We'll dive into the day-1 experience with both, and some advanced scenarios of using the service mesh. We'll compare this to border security with an app gateway, and compare and contrast the security features, complexities, and implementation costs. You'll leave with a concrete understanding of the benefits and tradeoffs you get when you pull in a service mesh, and be ready to justify the investment.