In this session, we will show how we used statistics to track snare drum practice sessions.

The speaker will present the lessons, the good and her struggles, she learned about leadership in the Marine Corps and how these are applicable to tech leaders.
Insight can be found in the strangest places. In this case, a basket of dirty clothes. When my dryer broke and the landlord replaced it with a new model that dried twice the clothes in 2/3 of the time, this simple "outside the bottleneck" optimization wound up lowering the quality of the work output and increasing the cost of my personal laundry pipeline. In this lightning talk I'll start by discussing a simple 4-stage pipeline (for doing my laundry), review the conventional wisdom of pipeline optimization, and discuss the hidden complexity of cost, quality, throughput, and cycle time.

Software fails. It's a fact of life and when it does we need to be able to act quickly to fix it. In this talk we'll go over some processes that you might want to put into place to create an effective on-call and incident response system.

Does it seem like Johnny Developer can't figure out how to move his monolith to your OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster? It might not be his fault. The proliferation of Code by Google or SO or GitHub is the modern equivalent of Drive by Braille. Is it even necessary to break the monolith apart? Maybe. Here are some tips for getting the on-boarding process going faster.

Of course the GIMP team doesn't hate you, but sometimes it can feel that way. Join us as we have a look at the big advances the team has made recently, and how it sets the groundwork for advancing the project in the near future. See how you can help make that a reality and help accelerate those advancements so you don't feel like we hate you.

There are many great new features in MySQL 8.0, but how exactly can they help your applications? This session takes a practical look at MySQL 8.0 features and improvements. It looks at the bugs, issues and limitations of previous MySQL versions and how MySQL 8.0 addresses them. It will also cover what you can do with MySQL 8.0 that you couldn’t before.

You'd never execute code sent to you over the internet...or would you? Every server is an interpreter that executes the language defined by the inputs it accepts, and ignoring this fact has led to many systems whose very design is not securable. We've all written systems like that, but next time we can do better. By systematically analyzing protocols and servers as languages and interpreters, Language-theoretic Security (LangSec) offers very practical, and often surprisingly simple, guidance in minimizing the computational power and expressiveness that your code exposes to the world.

Achieving work / life balance is a struggle for many, especially in the technology industry. Some feel they're working too much, others not enough, while nearly everyone feels guilty for not spending enough time with family and close friends. This sesion will take a look at different perspectives on the topic and identify methods and technologies that can possibly be used to achieve what we all want most - peace of mind. Most of all, the talk will serve as an opportunity for attendees to confirm they are not alone in the struggle and to meet others in a similar position.

Microsoft has open sourced .NET and made it cross-platform on Mac and Linux, and done a surprisingly great job of it. In this talk I'll walk you through creating a simple .NET app — LIVE — on a Mac, and I won't use the mouse even once — that's how good the CLI support is. It's easy, and more importantly, it's useful.
The .NET Core tooling has made a believer of me — come see for yourself just how good the new open source .NET Core is!