
Relational databases aren’t very well suited to time-series data in some ways, but MySQL is powerful and flexible. At VividCortex, we have found that it’s a good storage engine to support a large-scale, high-velocity time-series database in the AWS cloud. In this session, Baron Schwartz will dicuss VividCortex's unique time-series data requirements and implementation. You will leave the talk with a greater understanding of MySQL’s capabilities related to time-series data.

Varnish is a state of the art web accelerator, which traditionally sits in front of a web server and caches content. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. For web applications, especially high traffic, demanding web applications, Varnish can be leveraged to load balance, direct, manipulate and enhance the traffic of a highly scalable web environment at multiple tiers. More importantly, Varnish is very configurable, automation friendly, and can also provide a wealth of useful data to DevOps engineers looking to garner operational analytics and application performance data.

What is "Cloud Management"? In a datacenter, you might have 2 or more virtualization management platforms, with a private cloud running alongside, and some workloads running in a public cloud. ManageIQ gives admins and developers a way to seamlessly deliver services from multiple cloud and virtualization platforms.

Over the past five years, Jason Hibbets has been the community manager behind, an online publication focused on highlighting the use of open source methodologies in areas outside of technology. He’ll provide a case study of the content strategy and community building effort for the publication, a project sponsored by Red Hat. You’ll go behind the scenes and see the nuts-and-bolts, the tools, the metrics, and the strategy that’s helped this project grow to over 500,000 page views a month.

New container-centric tools are changing the way that projects are distributed and scaled in the cloud. Come learn how these open source building blocks can be used to compose complex, multi-container services that offer distinct advantages in scaling and reliability.
This talk provides an overview of Docker, Kubernetes and Red Hat's new "Atomic" OS distributions, and preview of the next generation OpenShift platform.

By decoupling application management from infrastructure management, containers facilitate more flexible, efficient, and transparent management of applications. Managing the deployment and maintenance of containers at scale requires a robust ecosystem of tools.
Kubernetes is an open source project inspired by Google’s internal management systems, which establishes patterns and primitives for managing containers across a cluster.
This talk will touch on many issues around containers and how Google aims to solve them with Kubernetes.

This panel will discuss the changing containerization landscape, the challenges and requirements of using containerization in production, and what's in store in 2015.
Panel Moderator
- John Willis
Panel Members
- Bryan Cantrill
- Tom Hockin
- Kelsey Hightower
- Jerome Petazzoni
- Adrian Otto

Device Tree is a hardware data abstraction currently in widespread use in the Linux kernel. In this session, Matt Porter will guide an exploration of Device Tree from the origins of DT all the way to an analysis of applications of DT in the Linux kernel. Focus will be placed upon understanding the fundamentals of DT and demonstrating use via relevant examples of common community board DT source files in the kernel. Matt will also introduce the new dynamic DT overlay feature, explaining the driving use cases for this feature, concepts, syntax, and how overlays may be used in a system.

All real world networks do tend to fail every now and then. Failures are common, however, resilience of distributed systems to partitions is not nearly ubiquitous enough. Even though partition tolerance is an integral part of Brewer's CAP theorem, distributed systems, even the ones slated to fulfill the 'P' in CAP, fail to meet it to desired levels or deterministic enough. This, unfortunately, is not an exception, but has become more commonplace as the recent research shows. This talk is about testing partition immunity of Galera. Docker and Netem/tc (traffic control) are used prominently.

This presentation starts with a historical look at open tools and how they have influenced open hardware development as part of the Maker/Hacker movement, followed by a survey of how to create simple open hardware tools to aid in debugging everything from simple microcontrollers to linux kernel drivers, and ends with a discussion of the future of user created open diagnostic and debug tools.