The Eleventh Annual Southern California Linux Expo
February 22-24, 2013
Hilton Los Angeles International Airport

Open-Source Retro Video Game Console


Do you wish you where back in the second golden age of video games? Remember the days when you could buy a Crystal Pepsi and pixelated 2D platformers ruled the world? Well, why not learn about how an experimental retro-style video game engine (Marshmallow) running on an extremely popular piece of hardware (the Raspberry Pi) fit into the creation of an open-source video game console. I'll go into an overview of the project in general, the many different harsh lessons I've learned while creating a cross-platform game engine from scratch, the build system, platforms and frameworks currently supported and finally what milestones I plan on reaching during 2013. All this while doing the presentation using the actual game console prototype and a gamepad, no power-point slides for me, thanks.

Los Angeles C
Saturday, February 23, 2013 - 15:00 to 16:00