Special events

DevOpsDayLA returns for its 12th year and will be held Friday, March 10, 2023 at the Pasadena Convention Center. Venue space for DevOpsDayLA is kindly donated to our community by the...

PostgreSQL @ SCaLE is a two day, two track event which takes place on March 9-10, 2023, at Pasadena Convention Center, ahead of SCALE 20x. PostgreSQL @ SCaLE will present talks designed for a general audience of web developers, sysadmins, DBAs and open source users. Talks will have significant...

SCALE: The Next Generation,  a youth-focused STEM event will return to Pasadena on March 11th.  This is an event where the free & open source community leaders of tomorrow will be able to spotlight their ideas, projects and talents!  This year's program will include sessions on everything...

SCALE 20x is proud to host Los Angeles' inaugural 2-day Kubernetes Community Day (KCD) on the Thursday and Friday of the event. Please join us there!

Having long hosted Cloud...

Embedded Apprentice Linux Engineer (E-ALE) is a series of seminars over 2 days at SCALE. The seminars will each represent a key topic relevant to Engineers new to Embedded Linux. Each seminar first gives a lecture or presentation on one subject, followed by lab...

A full-day event dedicated to sharing Ceph’s transformative power and fostering the vibrant Ceph community co-located at SCALE - The Southern California Linux Expo. The expert Ceph team, Ceph’s customers and partners, and the Ceph community join forces to discuss things like the status of the...

Linux is a robust and secure operating system with a rich array of applications. SCALE is once again providing those who want to start using Linux an opportunity to learn how. SCALE will provide an installfest + basic system administration class to...

Join your fellow SCaLE attendees for drinks, games, food and fun at our annual Game Night reception on Saturday March 11, 2023 at the Pasadena Convention Center.

Casino Night

Beat the odds and enjoy gambling fun with our Casino Night theme this...

Open Source Career Day (OSCD) returns for SCaLE 20x. SCALE is again joining forces this year with Linuxfests' own RaiseMe volunteer team. OSCD features career consulting sessions ( resume reviews, career guidance and mock interviews ) and a full day of talks on Sunday March 12, 2023.


With the rise of available jobs in Cyber Security, it has never been a better time to master new skills. And with the rise of online threats affecting our daily lives, it has never been a better time to educate ourselves. 


In partnership with Cal Poly Pomona’s student...

UpSCALE is a set of lightening talks held at SCALE, in the style of Ignite presentations. Speakers will get 5 minutes to enlighten the audience. Slides will auto-advance while chosen speakers deliver their message, a brief story of open source deliciousness. The format makes for a fast paced,...

FreeBSD is a free Unix-like operating system descended from Research Unix via the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), also known as “Berkeley Unix.” It’s known for its reliability, stability, and advanced networking and performance. Join us for a full day workshop that will teach you how to...

Have a passion you'd like to share? Is there a community you want to connect with at SCaLE? Want some open discussion on a topic? If so, create or join a BoF as SCaLE 20x continues the tradition of providing space for groups to meet and discuss their common interests. BoFs will run on Thursday,...