Speaker Interview: Nina Kaufman

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: Hello! My name is Nina and I've been working at Procore Technologies for three and a half years. I'm a senior site reliability engineer, and I help manage the performance, scalability, and reliability of our many services and applications. I also enjoy mentoring engineering college students through programs at universities like UC Santa Barbara. I'm really interested in networking and security, and I'm currently taking the OSCP certification course.


The UpSCALE line-up and social media cheat sheet

Join the SCALE 15x conference attendees for an hour of Ignite-style lightning talks. UpSCALE, in partnership, is where speakers get 5 minutes to enlighten the audience. Slides will auto-advance and you get to sit back and listen to a brief stories about open source topics.


The UpSCALE talks will take place tomorrow, Saturday March 4th at 8:00 pm in Ballroom DE.