January 20-22, 2012, Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel


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The UpSCALE talks are held in the style of the Ignite presentations made popular by various O'Reilly sponsored events. Participants are given five minutes to speak on a subject accompanied by 20 automatically-advanced slides, making this a fast paced, fun event for participants and audience....


Dana Ross

Using Open Source Software for the Media Professional and Educators

Most independent media professionals can't afford to pay the high price of professional Closed Source software and constant upgrades. Enter the Open Source alternatives. Here is a review of the best of the Open Source choices for Photographers, Graphic Artists and Video Shooters.  Dana Ross, a lifelong working professional, shares his experience, recommendations and tips for using Open Source Software when your career and livelihood depend on it.


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Birds of a Feather Sessions (BoFs)

Got a passion you'd like to share? Have a community you'd like to connect with? Want some open discussion on a topic?

If so, create or join a BoF session on either Friday or Saturday night at SCaLE 10x. The BoFs will be Friday and Saturday nights, January 20th and 21st. The first start at 18:00 on Friday and 19:00 on Saturday. The last start at 21:00 on both nights.

Sign up on the Birds of a Feather (BoF)registration page or contactSCaLE10xBoFs@socallinuxexpo.org with any questions you have. BoF registrations continue until we run out of rooms or the time slot expires.

What is a birds of a feather session?? It's an informal meet-up or discussion, where SCALE attendees can get together and discuss a shared interest without a pre-designated agenda.


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Birds of a Feather Sessions (BoFs)

Got a passion you'd like to share? Have a community you'd like to connect with? Want some open discussion on a topic?

If so, create or join a BoF session on either Friday or Saturday night at SCaLE 10x. The BoFs will be Friday and Saturday nights, January 20th and 21st. The first start at 18:00 on Friday and 19:00 on Saturday. The last start at 21:00 on both nights.

Sign up on the Birds of a Feather (BoF)registration page or contactSCaLE10xBoFs@socallinuxexpo.org with any questions you have. BoF registrations continue until we run out of rooms or the time slot expires.

What is a birds of a feather session?? It's an informal meet-up or discussion, where SCALE attendees can get together and discuss a shared interest without a pre-designated agenda.



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