Tom King


Like most other SysAdmins for FOSS projects, Tom King feels unqualified for the task. With a background as a Analog Broadcast engineer, working on high power transmitters, transmission lines and antennas, and as an FPGA and low-level embedded designer he didn't expect to end up as the SysAdmin for a group of high visibility FOSS projects.

In 2003 when he began to edit wiki pages at NSLU2, Tom was rapidly coerced into doing SysAdmin work because "no one else was doing it." He is now the lead admin for the "nas-admin" group of projects housed at OSUOSL including Open Embedded, Angstrom Linux, WebOS-Internals, Optware, NLSU2, NovaPorts and OpenWiz. In his "spare" time he dabbles in embedded kernel development

The increasing need for FOSS SysAdmin recruiting and training, and his evangelism for that cause has become one of his personal crusades in the community and is the focus of his presentation at SCALE. You may encounter him anywhere around SCALE as he executes his many other responsibilities.