Chris Gottbrath - Etnus
Product Manager
Speaking Topic: Detecting and Solving Linux Application Memory Problems

Chris Gottbrath is Product Manager for the TotalView Debugger at Etnus LLC. He is focused on making it easier for programmers, scientists and engineers to solve even the most complex bugs and get "back to work." He has pursued this goal in a variety of customer-focused technical roles at Etnus over the last 6 years. Prior to that, as a graduate student of astrophysics at the University of Arizona in Tucson, he wrote cosmological simulations (with the occasional bug) using C and MPI on a small-scale Beowulf cluster.

Memory problems (such as leaks, array bounds violations, and memory related race condition) can lurk even in mature applications. This talk will discuss some of the challenges of memory problems and show how Etnus' memory debugging technologies can help software development organizations build more stable software on the Linux platform. This talk will show participants how they can easily identify existing memory problems, present strategies for analyzing the root cause, and offer suggestions of how memory testing can be introduced into quality assurance procedures. Etnus provides the TotalView debugger specifically for Linux environments, including those running on ia64 and power processors. Advanced visual analysis, collaboration features such as dynamic html based reports, and powerful scripting languages give distributed teams just what they need to work effectively on memory problems.
  • Introduction
  • Leaks and other memory problems
  • Memory problems & the development cycle
  • Identifying memory problems
  • Using the interactive
  • graphical analysis tools in TotalView
  • Analyzing the root cause of memory problems
  • Using the collaborative features of TotalView
  • Testing for memory problems as a part of quality assurance
  • Incorporating memory tests into automated regression test suites

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