Sponsor Talk: The Economics of Migrating from VMware to OpenStack

A lot has been made about Broadcom's price increases for VMware, and there has also been a lot of attention paid to the technological aspects of migrating to OpenStack. Instead, let's take a look at the economics of the migration and how much it actually ends up costing organizations to migrate both in terms of licensing costs, as well as switching costs.
Benefits to the Ecosystem
Showing the long-term cost savings of migrating to a fully open and free platform from a proprietary one has mostly been talked about in terms of OS migration (e.g. Windows or UNIX → Linux) vs. a platform-level migration, such as VMware → OpenStack. By understanding the economics of such a migration, using real-world examples, organizations can make educated decisions and choices whether to migrate. By going through this migration to an open platform, they will end-up having total control over their infrastructure and not have to worry about problems like this again.
This talk is presented by OpenInfra Days Headline Sponsor - Rackspace Technologies