Processes are the algorithms that determine how an organization runs. Successful businesses grow from proven, effective processes. At Camunda, we have made it our mission to enable organizations to design, automate and improve these processes — no matter where they are and what they entail.

Community-driven free software effort focused around the goal of providing a rich base platform for open source communities to build upon.

Ceph is the future of storage; where traditional systems fail to deliver, Ceph is designed to excel. Leverage your data for better business decisions and achieve operational excellence through scalable, intelligent, reliable, and highly available storage software. Ceph supports object, block, and file storage, all in one unified storage system.

CIQ empowers people to do amazing things by providing innovative and stable software infrastructure solutions. CIQ is the founding support and services partner of Rocky Linux, Warewulf, Singularity/Apptainer and Fuzzball: the next generation high performance computing stack. For more information, please visit

Open source and Cisco??? Yes! It’s the best kept secret that is not a secret anymore! At Cisco Emerging Technologies & Incubation, we predict and plan for the challenges of the future and solving these challenges includes open source!
Did you know that at one time Cisco was the largest contributor to the Linux kernel? A lot has changed since 2009 and today Cisco is a member of multiple open source foundations, contributing to many open source projects, and proudly sponsoring and supporting our first SCaLE conference!

Cloud native computing uses an open source software stack to deploy applications as microservices, packaging each part into its own container, and dynamically orchestrating those containers to optimize resource utilization. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of cloud native software stacks including Kubernetes, Fluentd, linkerd, Prometheus, OpenTracing, gRPC, CoreDNS, containerd, rkt, CNI, Envoy, Jaeger, Notary, and TUF.

Coastline College, a multi-campus community college, is located in Orange County, CA. Situated in the heart of Orange County, the Coastline campus is an educational and cultural hub for the region.

By applying intelligent privilege controls to all identities – human and machine – CyberArk enables secure access to any resource, anywhere, everywhere – with a single Identity Security platform.

D2iQ is the leading provider of enterprise-grade cloud platforms that enable organizations to embrace open-source and cloud-native innovation while delivering smarter Day 2 operations. With unmatched experience and driving some of the world's largest cloud deployments, D2iQ empowers organizations to better navigate and accelerate cloud-native journeys with enterprise-grade technologies, training, professional services, and support.