SCALE 19x logo
Los Angeles, CA
July 2022


zoe steinkamp
Topic: Sponsored

Join InfluxData for a session covering how to take charge of your time series data with InfluxDB and AWS. In this session presented by InfluxData Developer Advocate Zoe Steinkamp, you’ll learn what makes the InfluxDB platform unique and how open source tools like Telegraf and InfluxDB can help you build applications faster and with less effort. Finally, Zoe will demonstrate how you can use InfluxDB and AWS to gain visibility and insight into your time-stamped data from the edge to the cloud.

Jaime Casanova
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: PostgreSQL

Big (as in many TB) databases have complex management problems. One of such problems is upgrading, a process that normally can imply even hours of down time.
But not all businesses can afford such down time, I'm going to share my experience while migrating a 25Tb database with heavy load and a requirement of not more than 5minutes of down time of the service. I'm going to talk about the tools we used, problems found in the road and opportunities taken.

Simon Elmir
Audience: Intermediate

Boot from a Linux LiveUSB and rescue your local install, run Debian programs on your Android phone, and update the (ARM) OS on your Raspberry Pi's SD card from your (x86) Linux desktop.

-- An introduction to chroot, proot, and the internals of containerization.

Bruce Momjian
Audience: Advanced
Topic: Security

Cryptographic hardware allows storage of keys which cannot be easily viewed or copied. This presentation explains how cryptographic hardware can be seamlessly accessed by applications including openssh, gpg, and Postgres.

Aman Bhullar
Audience: Everyone

Los Angeles County has developed a voting system to replace older Inkavote systems. This new system brings many new innovations to voting, including extended voting for ten days ahead of voting day, allowing voters to use any Vote Center in LA county to vote rather than being limited to a single polling place, an interactive ballot, electronic ballots, and a new tally system. This system was used in the 2020 primary and presidential elections, and plans are under way to open source the entire project. This presentation focuses on current progress and future plans.

Shimon Tolts, Noaa Barki
Topic: Cloud Native

A smart person learns from their own mistakes, but a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others. When launching our product, we wanted to learn as much as possible about typical pains in our ecosystem, and did so by reviewing many post-mortems (100+!) to discover the recurring patterns, anti-patterns, and root causes of typical outages in Kubernetes-based systems. In this talk we have aggregated for you the insights we gathered, and in particular will review the most obvious DON'Ts and some less obvious ones, that may help you prevent your next production outage.

Frank Karlitschek
Audience: Everyone
Topic: General

In the last few years we saw a lot of discussion in the open source and free software startup space around licenses. Several companies stepped forward and claimed that it’s not possible to build a working company on top of a free software product. This talk discusses how companies like Red Hat, SUSE and Nextcloud manages to have a 100% free software product including a big contributor community but is still able to pay developers and grow.

Niall Deehan
Topic: Sponsored

Automate or be automated! This hands-on workshop is for software developers who want to build foundational knowledge of automating and orchestrating processes with Camunda Platform 8 using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) and DMN (Decision Model and Notation). We’ll focus on designing a process from the requirements stage and deploying it to Camunda Platform 8. Afterwards we’ll look at incremental improvements to the process including User Tasks to incorporate humans into the flow. Then we will implement fully software-automated tasks including User Tasks to incorporate humans.

Jorge Castro
Topic: Sponsored

Cloud Custodian is an OSS governance project that allows cloud and platform engineering teams to unify dozens of tools and scripts for managing their public cloud accounts into one tool. In this workshop, you’ll learn about the tool and get a hands-on guide through policy authorship and execution.

Roller Angel
Audience: Everyone

FreeBSD is a free Unix-like operating system descended from Research Unix via the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), also known as “Berkeley Unix.” It’s known for its reliability, stability, and advanced networking and performance. Join us for a full day workshop that will teach you how to install FreeBSD and the ports and packages necessary to get you up and running.