Kubeflow Day LA

Kubeflow Day LA is a Kubeflow Community sponsored Machine Learning Day at SCaLE 17x. Kubeflow Day LA is a one day conference targeted at Business Leaders and Machine Learning Professionals: Data Scientists, Software and Data Engineers, and the DevOps teams that support them.

Kubeflow is an open source community, which is building a Kubernetes-native platform for developing, orchestrating, deploying, and running scalable and portable Machine Learning workloads. Kubeflow Day LA will feature talks from experts on the community's latest efforts to simplify and scale ML workflows. Attendees will learn about Kubeflow solutions for data scientists, software, data engineers and their DevOps teams. The sessions will also provide details on Kubeflow's components and their development process. Kubeflow Day is a great opportunity for local, Los Angeles-area industry leaders to review the latest in ML developments and to network with Kubeflow Community members, vendors, and end-users.

Attending Kubeflow Day LA requires valid registration to SCALE at any level. Please select Kubeflow Day in the add-on step.  


Thursday March, 2019

10:00am Building the Next ML Platform Together(Thea Lamkin, Google and Jeremy Lewi, Google)
10:30am Orchestrating and Deploying Machine Learning Platforms at Scale with Kubeflow (Timo Mechler, MavenCode)
11:00am Advanced Data Management on Kubeflow (Vangelis Koukis, Arrikto )
11:30am Panel: Why we are exploring Kubeflow (Vincent Anderson - Dev Masters, Andrew Pierno - WiZR, Sam Fishman - Kharon, and Sumi Devi - Hackohire,)
12:00pm Model Training and Serving on Kubeflow deep-dive - Architecture and Artifacts (Carmine Rimi, Canonical)
12:30pm Break
1:30pm Towards Consistent AI with Kubeflow (Debo Dutta, Cisco)
2:00pm Scale and Test Experiments on Kubernetes using Kubeflow, Helm, Virtual Kubelet, and Azure Container Instance (Rita Zhang, Microsoft and Sertac Ozercan, Microsoft)
2:30pm Multi-environment ML with Kubeflow (Pete MacKinnon, Red Hat)
3:00pm Workshop: Kubeflow explained - Portable machine learning on Kubernetes
4:00pm Workshop: Using Model-Driven Architecture to Deploy Kubeflow at Any Scale (Kenneth Koski, Canonical)
5:00pm MiniKF: the fastest and easiest way to deploy Kubeflow on your laptop
(Vangelis Koukis, Arrikto)
Thursday, March 7, 2019 - 10:00 to 17:30

Event Sponsors