Orchestration State of the Union

Historically orchestration in IT is synonymous with coordinating a set of tasks in a sequential and/or parallel manner across a set of servers, applications, and other equipment/services. Recently with the rise and hype of container adoption and related microservices movement orchestration has taken on a specific meaning of orchestrating a fleet, or mulptiple fleets, of applications/services that are running in containerized environments. This "modern orchestration" has its roots in the web scale computing practices of organizations such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc, as well as in the bid data space.
We will cover a range of the more popular platforms for this type of modern orchestration, giving an overview of each, how they are similar and where they differ from eachother. In the open lab portion of the day we will make available some self-service examples of a couple of the solutions so those interested can get lab environments up and running to play around with more.