Ignore youth in tech at your own peril.


My first job when I was 18 was teaching computer skills to youth in an elementary school. My passions haven't changed. Now having 4 children that are known around the world speaking and doing workshops in technology I've not only raised my kids in it but I'm working towards raising your kids in it too. In this talk we'll talk about the many efforts that are being made to endoctrinate youth into tech and be more than just casual users but by teenagers to build apps, figure out the best methods for social media branding and web design for big metropolitan cities like Los Angeles and even improve the Linux kernel. Also, with the efforts of some multinational companies I'll show you how the task of bringing countries that live on as low as a dollar a day how to make computer labs and help youth to build their struggling economies of the future. From my house, programs at SCALE to meetings at the White House and beyond.

Room 103
Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 16:30 to 17:30