
Florian Drescher
Audience: Everyone

Crate is an open-source project which adds a SQL layer on top of ElasticSearch. It allows to use ElasticSearch as a distributed and fault-tolerant SQL database which supports partitioning and sharding.


The presentation will go over the Crate architecture and features. A demonstration will show the power of distributed SQL queries, scaling capabilities and the auto-healing feature of Crate.

Patrick O'Connor
Audience: Intermediate

Nomad is a single binary go application for controlling the placement of containers across multiple hosts via descriptive configurations called jobs. This talk will provide an introduction for Nomad via a live demo of interacting with nomad, deploying applications, scaling them up and load balancing them. This demo should introduce not only cluster schedulers, but also distributed key/value systems, service discovery, and automated infrastrucuture.

jeremy Schwartz
Audience: Everyone

World Possible develops and maintains RACHEL, a Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning. RACHEL is an infinitely scalable virtual server, or small Linux based portable server, that provides key Creative Commons educational resources to developing communities that lack internet access. RACHEL makes available offline versions of Wikipedia, The Khan Academy, CK-12 textbooks, UNESCO Library, Hesperian Health Guides and other educational resources by packaging them on a flash drive. 

Rami AlGhanmi
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Cloud

This talk is a hands-on walk through of deploying a complete cloud-based application on an OpenStack cloud using Ansible. Starting from provisioning the compute nodes, networking, then going through deploying applications and their dependencies and, finally, monitoring the application.

The session will highlight some of the new features of Anisble 2.0 and discuss best practices in managing and securing the deployment pipeline. Furthermore, we will discuss how to use Ansible as an orchestration layer alongside other configuration management tools like Puppet and Chef.

Ron Evans
Topic: ScaleU

The next generation of robotic solutions are being built already, and they are using open source. Programming languages such as JavaScript can help both get it done, and make it fun. In this hands-on workshop, you will build a full stack robotic application using the powerful JavaScript robotics framework Cylon.js (, along with the Intel Edison single board Linux computer & Sphero robot.

Pamela Chestek, Eileen Evans, Jennifer Dumas, Richard Fontana, Heather Meeker
Audience: Everyone

Discussion about traditional copyrights and the new trend of using open source licenses, open patents, open access, etc. to overcome the limitations traditional copyrights place on technological development.

Douglas DeMaio
Audience: Everyone
Topic: New to SCALE

openQA is a new technology, first developed by the openSUSE project and now also used by SUSE for automatic software testing of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Products. This session will give an introduction to openQA's capabilities, discuss the benefits of its use in modern software development, and suggest ideas to attendees as how it could be used for testing their software, operating systems, or virtual machine images.

Topic: BoFs

Let's swap stories of successes, failures, surprises, lessons learned, and what you wished you knew when you first started out. If you have a battle story, come and share it. If you’re just getting starting, stop by and bring your questions.

Christer Edwards
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: SysAdmin

In this presentation I discuss the following: - FedRamp Compliance use-case - hardened configuration management profiles - HIDS via Project "Argos" - File Integrity Monitoring - CIS Compliance Auditing - osquery integration (

Justin Colannino

This talk will provide an overview of some common free software licenses. It will also provide an overview of what it means for licenses to be compatible, as well as some examples of incompatible licenses.