Hacking your car — the easy way

Major automotive industry players are putting their time and resources into building Linux-based automotive software to power dashboards, navigation units, and entertainment systems in new cars—but what is the shade-tree hacker supposed to do to get started with the car already sitting in the driveway? This session will look at aftermarket open source for the automobile: low-cost hardware that you can use to get your car connected, but without requiring a hit to the household budget or making permanent modifications to install. We will also look at several tiers of active open-source automotive software projects that you can install and run in a weekend on an existing Android device or Linux laptop. Specific topics include telemetry and data-logging, navigation, audio, and connecting CAN Bus–capable devices to an existing car. All of the options considered are easy to deploy initially, but can be expanded on as the user's time and interest allow. Warranties may be voided, but budgets will not.