Don Marti -
Speaking Topic: ifdown -a now! Do more, better - offline

Don Marti is editor of and has also edited and written for other Linux sites. With Jim Gleason, he founded Linux consulting firm Electric Lichen. He has served as president and vice president of the Silicon Valley Linux Users Group and on the program committees for Uselinux, Codecon, and LinuxWorld Conference and Expo, and was an organizer for Windows Refund Day, Burn All GIFs Day, the "Free Dmitry" movement and FreedomHEC.


Why go offline? The Onion said it best: "48-Hour Internet Outage Plunges Nation Into Productivity." Other reasons include privacy, security, speed, and not having to read TechCrunch every day to see if your data is still going to be there next week. This talk will cover a mix of the top offline productivity hacks, including running an MTA on the laptop, using offlineimap to sync up huge archives of old mail, basic web caching, local search tools, and just enough distributed revision control to be dangerous