Will Ross - Technical Writer and Project Manager
Mendocino Informatics
Speaking Topic: OpenEMPI: Open Source Solutions for a Master Person Index

Mr. Ross is a Technical Writer and Project Manager with two decades of experience in the technology sector. Mr. Ross is the founder of Mendocino Informatics (www.minformatics.com), a health information technology consulting and systems integration business in Northern California. Mr. Ross currently manages the deployment of an open source clinical message system in Northern California (www.mendocinohre.org) and a Health Information Exchange in Central California (www.eastkernhealth.org). He is also a subcontractor on the Mendocino HRE demonstration of an open source prototype for the NHIN. In 2005, Mr. Ross managed the Mendocino HRE demonstration of an open source software solution for the Connecting for Health Record Locator Service. From 2002 through 2004 Mr. Ross was Chief Technology Officer for a consortium of community clinics. In 2006 Mr. Ross was co-recipient of the Linux Medical News Freedom Award, and was a co-convener of the OpenHII conference. Mr. Ross is a member of AMIA, HIMSS and STC. Mr. Ross lives in Anderson Valley, California.

  • Overview of the OpemEMPI Project
  • History of Open Source MPI Solutions
  • Current Open Source MPI Projects
  • Future Opportunities

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