To Cloud Manage or Self-Manage Postgres?


Given the rise of the Cloud Infrastructure, alot of the cloud providers are packaging in PostgreSQL as a fully managed database service as part of their reportoire.  Azure has Azure Database for Postges, AWS as Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL (and aurora), GCE Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL, etc...  They all come with the promise handling the admin and maintanence of a database engine such as high availability, backups,software patches.  The session will provide the pro's and con's of going self-managed vs cloud fully managed postgres, providing a cost based analysis between the two, perfomance metrics from all 3 cloud managed databases and self managed database in a VM/EC2 instance on some of the cloud providers i've mentioned above.  The session will show the data and will leave up to the audience to choose which is better.

Room 104
Thursday, March 5, 2020 - 15:00 to 15:45