Terraform in 50 minutes
The software lifecycle does not end when the developer packages their code and makes it ready for deployment. The delivery of this code is an integral part of shipping a product. Infrastructure orchestration and resource configuration should follow a similar lifecycle (and process) to that of the software delivered on it. In this talk, we will discuss how to use Terraform for automating your infrastructure and software delivery.
Terraform is an Infrastructure-as-Code tool for building, managing and versioning your infrastructure. It allows you to provision and orchestrate your resources effectively while ensuring that all your resources configured the way you defined in your code. In this talk, we will visit the basics of Terraform and discuss best practices and how to manage multiple environments, accounts and cloud/services providers using Terraform.
Presenation Resources:
- Slide Deck: http://bit.ly/tf-in-50min
- Code Repsitory for Lab: https://github.com/alghanmi/terraform-lab