SGVHak is a community of people interested in topics such as Linux, open source software, and hardware hacking. SGVLUG is the Linux group that meets the second Thursday of each month at Burger Continental in Pasadena @ 7 pm. SGVHak is the hardware hacking group that meets the first and third Thursday each month @ 7 pm. The group also meets the fourth Saturday at the Pasadena Hastings library branch from 2 to 6 pm

SWIFT stands for Students With An Interest in the Future of Technology and is a student group at Cal Poly Pomona dedicated to providing awareness, training, and support for people interested in System Administration and Cyber Security. For over 20 years we have been providing students with resources and events that inspire their knowledge well beyond curriculum. We aim to foster the next generation of students who can be capable of dealing with the dynamic landscape of information technology and cyber security.

Synopsys helps development teams build secure, high-quality software, minimizing risks while maximizing speed and productivity. Synopsys, a recognized leader in static analysis, software composition analysis, and application security testing, is uniquely positioned to apply best practices across proprietary code, open source, and the runtime environment. With a combination of industry-leading tools, services, and expertise, only Synopsys helps organizations maximize security and quality in DevSecOps and throughout the software development life cycle.

System76 produces premium Linux computers using the latest hardware. Their computers, along with the Pop! operating system, are developed to empower science, technology, and engineering professionals to unleash their potential.

When cutting-edge technology meets Disney creativity, there are no limits to what can be developed. Every business within Disney is being transformed by technology as we work to accelerate disruption, solve challenges still to be imagined, and build what has never been built before. With the resources to amaze and the freedom to dream, technologists at Disney make the impossible, possible.

Started by Christopher Waid, founder and CEO,, has a mission. To bring choice to the masses. We believe GNU/Linux is the easiest desktop operating system in history. What it has lacked is quality end-user support. We offer a number of unique free software products and services to ease transitioning as well as the end-user support to back it up. We produce a software component which actively assists users in locating compatible services, software, and support.

Transformix specializes in migrating and modernizing legacy software applications and databases. Our solutions make use of the CUBA Platform, an open source Java RAD framework for enterprise web applications and our own migration and modernization tools. Our approach has centered on preserving as much of the existing application as is practical in order to reduce the time and cost to our customers.

Twilio has democratized communications channels like voice, text, chat, and video by virtualizing the world’s telecommunications infrastructure through APIs that are simple enough for any developer to use, yet robust enough to power the world’s most demanding applications.

Ubuntu is a free operating system based on Debian, a popular Linux distribution. Its name comes from the Zulu word "ubuntu", loosely translated as "humanity", describing the ubuntu philosophy: "I am who I am because of those around me," a positive aspect of community.

To cultivate a passionate, sharing, and inventive local tech culture through open, inclusive engagement with our community.
Founded in June 2015, Uncoded is a volunteer non-profit organization with the aim to inspire, bring together, and ignite local tech community. We do that by identifying synergies that exist in the local tech scene, holding events, and facilitating ongoing tech initiatives.