Learn Teach Code meetup for beginners in tech


Members of Learn Teach Code (meetup.com/LearnTeachCode/) and anyone else who's interested in software development, learning to code, or especially if you're new to the world of tech, come join us to chat about your SCaLE experience and compare notes! We'll share what we've learned, which sessions to check out next, and then afterwards let's all go out for dinner together!

Ballroom A
Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 19:00 to 20:00
Message to the reviewers:
Short abstract:

Members of Learn Teach Code (meetup.com/LearnTeachCode/) and anyone else who's interested in software development, learning to code, or especially if you're new to the world of tech, come join us to chat about your SCaLE experience and compare notes! We'll share what we've learned, which sessions to check out next, and then afterwards let's all go out for dinner together!