Intel and the Internet of Things

Intel has been trying to get a foot in the embedded market of the "Internet of Things" with a new tiny processor called the Quark X1000.
Based on this CPU, they released first in 2013 the Intel Galileo (Gen 1), a small embedded board that is both pin compatible with the established Arduino boards as well as programmable with a special version of the Arduino IDE for the X1000 SoC. This board was released in a newer, somewhat improved version (Gen 2) in the summer of 2014 as well acompanied by the general release of the Intel Edison, for which now also an Arduino pin compatible "motherboard" is available.
This presentation will show the features of those boards, along possible drawbacks and caveats compared to similar offerings of other manufacturers in the growing market of IoT, including the available Linux derivates available as well as the freely available version of Microsoft Windows for the Intel Galileo