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The Fourth Annual Southern California Linux Expo

Gary Edwards

Gary Edwards

Gary Edwards has over 20 years of network technology experience. 12 of those years have been spent in the financial services and real estate industries, specializing in the design and implementation of new business models based on emerging Internet technologies. Universal connectivity and collaboration is changing the world and his ambition is to run at the cutting edge, creating new network business strategies by artfully implementing re engineered business designs based on these emerging technologies.

Gary is currently working on integrating web application designs with rich client productivity environments. By connecting collaborative servers, an XML transformation hub, and an open, highly interoperable, portable rich client environment, it's possible to build very robust web applications that are uniquely immersed into the flow of larger business processes. Based on open standards, this web application model often includes the use of emerging XML Technologies, the Java platform, and open source communtiy efforts such as Zope, Plone, PostgreSQL, eXact, Jabber, JBoss, Tomcat and Apache PHP.

Edwards is an active member and volunteer in community with a coordinated interests in the critical cross platform sister communities of Mozilla, and Chandler, a trio of projects that form the basis of the portable rich client environment. He co-founded the OpenStack project, a coordinated cross community effort to create a cross platform, portable application environment managed and maintained by the core application communities. The goal being to provide developers with a desktop environment they could reliably target, but one where the responsibility for managing and maintaining the environment did not fall upon end users. OpenStack is designed to be distro independent, riding above the distros - including the many versions of Windows and Linux. The OpenStack Blog is at