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2003 Archive:
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The So Cal Linux Expo Is This Saturday
SCALE2X will be this Saturday, November 22nd at the
Los Angeles Convention Center. It's packed with
exhibits and speakers across the entire spectrum of
Linux activity.
Here's what we have lined up for you.
The SCALE speaker tracks:
"Kernel and Systems"
- William Irwin - Future Issues with Linux VM
- Andrew Morton - There Is No Buffercache
- Adam Agnew - LinuxBIOS
- Patrick Mochel - Managing Power in Linux 2.6
- Dan Kegel - Intro to Embedded Linux Programming
- Paul Eggert - Core Woes in the GNU utilities and C library
"In The Userspace"
- Jim McQuillan - Linux Terminal Server Project
- John Terpstra - Samba-3: Integration and Migration Options
- Jeremy White - The Latest Development in Wine
- Robin Rowe - Linux Movies and CinePaint
- Seth Nickell - The Unified Linux Desktop
"Altruism, Advocacy, and Evangelism"
- Charles Kalil - Migration To Linux
- Matt Asay - Revenue Models for Open Source Businesses
- Dan Frye - The Next step: Linux in an on Demand World
- Christopher Montgomery - The State of Open Source and Multimedia
- John Terpstra - FLOSS: No Roadblocks Ahead
- Chris Dibona - Open Source: The IP Canary in the IT Coal Mine
SCALE Exhibitors
- Novell
- Pogo Linux
- Storix Software
- Real Networks / Helix Community
- ABCO Technology
- DIGILink
- ASA Computers
- Mountain View Data
- 4Front Technologies
- Hacom
- Irvine Sci-Tech Books
- Computer Expertise Group
- Genesi
Non-commercial exhibitors:
- Simi-Conejo LUG: Linux PVRs
- INLUG - Inland Empire LUG
- SoCalWUG: Wireless Networking
- Kernel Panic LUG: KDE & GNOME
- LinuxChix: Jabber
- San Gabriel Valley LUG: CinePaint
- Orange County LUG: VPN's and WINE
- San Fernando Valley LUG: Speech Recognition
- Santa Barbara LUG: Emulation
- USC LUG: Gentoo Games
- Los Angeles Zope Users Group: Zope Web Server
- Linux Users At LAX - TBA
- Debian
- Free Software Foundation
- FreeBSD
- LPBN - Linux Public Broadcasting Network
- LinuxFund
- The Linux Terminal Server Project
- Linux Astronomy
- Xiph.Org
After the dinner break, the movie "Revolution OS" will air, followed by a Q&A session with the director.
For up to the minute information, check Contact for more
The Southern California Linux Expo - We are bringing businesses, academic institutions and the Linux community together in a way that no other conference does!