The UpSCALE line-up and social media cheat sheet

Join the SCALE 15x conference attendees for an hour of Ignite-style lightning talks. UpSCALE, in partnership, is where speakers get 5 minutes to enlighten the audience. Slides will auto-advance and you get to sit back and listen to a brief stories about open source topics.


The UpSCALE talks will take place tomorrow, Saturday March 4th at 8:00 pm in Ballroom DE.


The 2017 line-up and social media cheat sheet for UpSCALE


Follow the hashtag: #Scale15x


Operations lessons from a 17th century samurai by Caskey Dickson

Brief description: Ancient wisdom from a cave by a samurai with fabulous hair

Twitter: @caskey


My amazing architecture by Corey Quinn    

Brief description: A walkthrough

Twitter: @QuinnyPig


Scaling up log management! by Eduardo Silva

Brief description: 5 minutes backstage of Fluentd: open source log management

Twitter: @edsiper


The 1 minute guide to making great technical documentation by Bob Reselman

Twitter: @reselbob


Copyright fair use for APIs - In light of Oracle v. Google by Jeffrey Kaufman

Brief description: An exploration of fair use for APIs, in light of Oracle v. Google. What you need to know in 5 minutes.

Twitter: @OpenSourcePilot


An open community of successful Learning by Michael Williams

Twitter: @clowningar


Better interviews by Qays Poonawala

Brief description: Why not let candidates interview as if they already have the job?

Twitter: @QaysHP


The CS they don't teach in school by E Dunham

Brief description: You can whiteboard an algorithm in your sleep, but are you ready for a job in the tech industry?

Twitter: @QEDunham


Red Hat and open source communities by Thomas Cameron

Brief description: How Red Hat works with communities

Twitter: @ThomasDCameron