
Chet Burgess
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Cloud

As the container ecosystem grows in adoption its key that we learn how to scale the quality of the images being produced to meet the demands of regulated entities. Companies that are required to meet various compliance standards include things like PCIDSS, SOC2, and ISO are interested in joining the container revolution but these standards impose requirements that can be difficult to meet with current images. During this session we will provide a framework for how to evaluate and build better images that make it easier to meet these standards as well improve operational efficiencies.

RaiseMe Team
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Career Day

Are you prepared to present your best self at your next interview? After the interview process is complete, are you comfortable with negotiating your offer? Compensation parameters and working conditions have to be right for a long run match. This training is in a group environment to offer maximum support and feedback.

RaiseMe Team
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Career Day

An instructive how-to presentation with exercises and group feedback and support. We’ll work with you in real time on your resume language and your career situation. You'll learn about the job hunting dogma you need to avoid, and where the online resources are for researching potential employers. No registration required.

Simon Elmir
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: SysAdmin

Based on internal training given to Facebook engineers, this talk is a collection of tips and tricks for being more efficient and productive on the command line. Learn about convenient customizations, speedy shortcuts, useful utilities, and more advanced techniques to help you look like a command line pro.

Ell Marquez
Audience: Beginner
Topic: General

As members of the tech community we have ALL experienced an awkward moment or two… or five. We’re here to get real and hit a few points that we’ve experienced in our careers, from mansplaining to being told that real admins only use arch we will confess the sins of the Linux world in hopes of inspiring the next generation. Using our experience to give you a real world practical approach to not only getting started with Linux but the open source community as a whole; and along the way we will tell a few stories that we think you *just* might be able to relate to.

Richard Wareing
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Building consensus among technically minded individuals can be challenging, time consuming and at times -- incredibly frustrating.  In this session we'll explore this topic together, looking at how some engineering cultures make it a necessity, some of the reasons for why it can be so difficult, as well as reasons why it's worth the effort and some strategies which might make consensus easier to achieve.  To finish things off, we'll take a look at two actual case studies to see how it was done, and some lessons learnt.

Mohammed Aboullaite
Audience: Developer

Containers revolutionized the way we develop, architect and deploy our application and become the executables of the cloud! However running cloud native java applications may be challenging, especially for old java versions! This presentation will review tools and best practices to adopt, as well as pitfalls to avoid while deploying your java applications in containers!

Brian MacDonald
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

The constantly shifting world of technology is always providing developers with new things to learn: languages, tools, techniques. Keeping your skills current is a full-time job. There are lots of resources out there to use, but you need to evaluate which ones work for you, and how best to use them. This session will highlight the various learning formats, help you pick the one that best fits you or your group, allow you to evaluate whether it's working, and tell you what to do when it doesn't.

Chris VanTuin
Audience: Intermediate

Security best practices for containers and kubernetes

Cho-Nan Tsai
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Every great career begins with a dream. However, that alone is often not enough. A dreamer must be given the opportunity to try, to fail and to succeed. In 1999, I was fortunate enough to go to Tokyo for a summer internship. That’s where I met Joi Ito, got exposed to open source software for the first time and much more. It was a life-changing experience and even today I continue to cherish it. Fast forward to today, I started an internship program at a Fintech company and am having some success in building a stellar team of misfits while offering a similar life-changing experience.