Facebook is the world's larger social network with over 900 million active users. Founded in 2004, Facebook¹s mission is to make the world more open and connected. As an employer, Facebook strives to hire the best people who want to move fast and make an impact. The company empowers people in every way it can to allow our employees to focus on what they love to do. People around the world use Facebook everyday to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what¹s going on, and to share and express what matters to them.

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that provides users with access to the latest free and open source software in a stable, secure and easy to manage form. We strongly believe in the bedrock principles that created all the components of our operating system, and because of this we guarantee that Fedora will always be free for anybody anywhere to use, modify and distribute.

Free Radicals is an activist collective dedicated to creating a more socially just, equitable, and accountable science. We create accessible resources for political education on the intersection of science and social justice and collaborate with local progressive organizing efforts on issues related to science and technology.
To learn more, contact us at: freeradicalsblog@gmail.com

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom and to defend the rights of all free software users.
The Free Software Foundation supports the "free as in freedom" GNU/Linux OS.

The FreeBSD Foundation is a 501(c)(3), US based, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and building the FreeBSD Project and community worldwide. The Foundation gratefully accepts donations from individuals and businesses, using them to fund and manage projects, sponsor FreeBSD events, Developer Summits and provide travel grants to FreeBSD developers. In addition, the Foundation represents the FreeBSD Project in executing contracts, license agreements, copyrights, trademarks, and other legal arrangements which require a recognized legal entity.

FreePN is a free, anonymous, unlimited-bandwidth, open-source, peer-to-peer VPN. We aim to make online privacy as accessible as possible by making our VPN completely free and easy-to-use. We are a Linux-first open-source project and look to expand into other platforms (Windows and Mac) in the near future.

Gentoo Linux is a special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme configurability, performance and top-notch user and developer communities are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience. Thanks to a technology called Portage, Gentoo Linux can become an ideal secure server, development workstation, professional desktop, gaming system, embedded solution or something else.

The GNOME Project was started as a free (as in freedom) desktop environment and has grown into a hugely successful enterprise. Used by millions of people across the world, it is the most popular desktop environment for GNU/Linux and UNIX-type operating systems. The desktop has been utilized in successful, large-scale enterprise, and public deployments and the project’s developer technologies are utilized in a large number of popular mobile devices. The GNOME Project is supported by the GNOME Foundation, a member directed non-profit organization.

GumGum is an artificial intelligence company with a focus on computer vision. Our mission is to solve hard problems across a variety of industries by teaching machines to see and understand the world. Since 2008, the company has applied its patented capabilities to serve a variety of industries from advertising to professional sports, with more to come.

Instaclustr is the open source-as-a-service company delivering reliability at scale through our integrated data platform for technologies such as Apache Cassandra, Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, and Elasticsearch. Our expertise stems from delivering more than over 60 million node hours under management. We provide a range of consulting, enablement and integration, and support services relating to open source technologies.