openSUSE will have an summit at SCaLE17x on March 8, 2019, at the 17th annual Southern California Linux Expo at the Pasadena Convention Center. openSUSE will have a dedicated room to provide talks about openSUSE and open-source related topics. Submit a talk for the summit and join us for the summit or at the lounge and booth we will have at SCaLE.
10:00am Network Boot in a Zero-Trust Environment with UEFI - Harry Hsiung (Intel)
11:00am Teaching Open Source: miles to go before I sleep - Craig Gardner (SUSE)
12:00pm Building large health networks GNU Health Federation and openSUSE - Luis Falcon (GNU Health)
01:00pm Buffer overflows and counter meassures employed in openSUSE - Johannes Segitz (SUSE)
02:00pm Uyuni: Adding flavor to open source infrastructure management - Patrick Swartz (SUSE)
03:00pm SUSE Enterprise Storage and Ceph - Craig Gardner (SUSE)
04:00pm The next steps for open source cloud - Frank Karlitschek (Nextcloud)
05:00pm Turning your openSUSE into your private cloud! Getting Nextcloud on a device of your choice - Matt McGraw