
Dave Stokes
Audience: Developer

MySQl 5.7 was the best received version ot the popular database. But there were some legacy issues that needed to be corrected. Come see the release candidate of MySQL 8 and explore the many new features including a true data dictionary (byebye .FRM files, hello millions of tables in a database), usee roles, Windowing functions, Invisible Indexes,  Commont Table Expressions, and more.   Plus see how improved UTF8MB4 support, oprimizer hints, abd the ability to do 2 million querys per second will change your life.

Peter Zaitsev
Audience: Beginner
Topic: MySQL

Open Source Relational Database or most popular Open Source NoSQL Database? We will look into the pros and cons of each.

Colin Charles
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Security

This presentation will discuss the features of MySQL/MariaDB that when enabled and used improve the default usage of MySQL.

Sofia Mercado, David Vasquez
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Youth

Students use countless pages for their educational needs, whether for homework, classwork, or note-taking. However, a frequent issue that arises during the search process is a lack of organization. And once the notes have served their purpose, the papers are pushed aside and disposed, contributing to waste production. A solution to this dilemma is the open source software RedNotebook, a digital journaling tool that is available to students. RedNotebook allows for organization, enables customization, and reduced the negative impact of the paper industry on the environment.

Phillip Leclair, Jeanne Holm, Behrang Abadi, Jasmine Frost
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Open Data

 Representatives from select So Cal Cities will discuss their Open Data initiatives, challenges, surprises, as well as their hackathons, and how you can take advantage of the available open data. Followed by questions and anwsers. Participating cities: City of Los Angeles, City of Pasadena, City of Santa Monica.

Rich Unite, Yolanda Kol
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Youth

In the 21st century classroom, 3D printing provides a medium for students to generate tangible models and prototypes for designs. 3D printing increases accessibility of abstract content transformed into concrete representations based on concepts such as complex mathematical equations or geological forms. A 3D printer may prove costly for schools; however, RepRap, short for replicating rapid prototyper, can be built at low-cost as it allows the user to construct the printer with 3D printed parts. 

Karen Sandler

Open Source and Employment Law

Robin Rowe, Stormy Peters, Avni Khatri
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Entertainment

As a counterpoint to Bryan Lunduke's Linux Sucks presentation, join us as we show some Linux, Free and Open-Source software projects that have changed lives. From helping the homeless to educating our youth see how our community is using free and open-source software to make our world a better place.

Jono Bacon
Audience: Everyone
Topic: General

When you have a kid, it is like having a little science experiment going on in your house. All the princles we associate with open source, with communities, and with collaboration, are rooted in the intrinsic qualities buried in people...even brand-new people.

In this presentation Jono Bacon, father of a boisterous 4 year-old called Jack, will share some core principles he has learned about people, open source, community, and collaboration from watching this little science experiment grow up and evolve. Join him for an amusing, entertaining, and informative presentation.

Luis Hernandez
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Security

This talk will discuss what cyber compeitions exist and how a person can begin their envolvement. Various competitions will be mentioned including the inaugural Cal Cup which was introduced this past June. 

Linux is used as one of the operating systems that need to be secured for competition and depending on the competition is what determines which flavors of Linux are used and how dificult they can be. 

Overall purpose is to show how Linux has helped prepare students for sysadmin roles in the real world as this is what they need to do during competition.