Capture The Flag

Master new cyber security skills at our three-day SCaLE 18x Capture The Flag competition.  Whether you're a beginner who's never tried a CTF before, an experienced competitor looking for an energizing challenge, or a professional who just wants to have fun, this event is for you.  This year we have a new delivery platform and all-new content.  We are welcoming back Cal Poly Pomona's Swift student club and Attivo Networks as our platform hosts.



The tournament is free to registered SCaLE 18x attendees (link at the bottom) but requires separate registration to compete.  Please bring your own device to participate if possible, since that will allow us to accommodate the most competitors


Hardware Requirements

This year's CTF will be broken up into two separate CTF's. Our beginner/intermediate round will be held across two days, March 6th - 7th. Game will be paused overnight but scores will be preserved. This will allow the competitors to participate no matter where they are in the conference.

For our advanced round, as previous years, we will require the ability to hard wire into a switch, so please be sure to bring a compatible device or any adaptors you need to connect to an RJ-45. 



Prizes will be given to the top three in each CTF round. Many thanks to these organizations for their generous prize donations: Linux Foundation, System76, and Yubico.



SCaLE 18x Cyber Lobby, Pasadena Convention Center, Conference Center Building Lower Level 


SCaLE 18x Conference Registration Required


Friday, March 6th

CTF Beginner/Intermediate Opening: 10am in the Cyber Lobby

CTF will stay open until 8pm

Our Beginner/Intermediate CTF is geared towards middle school students, high school students, and adult beginners. If you are getting into the industry and want to have some fun, this event is for you.

***Please note, if an adult is seen moving up the scoreboard at an accelerated rate you may be asked to participate in the advanced round as prizes will be reserved for Middle School and High School students, but all are welcomed to participate.


Saturday, March 7th

CTF Beginner/Intermediate Re-Opening: 11am in the Cyber Lobby

CTF will close at 8pm


Sunday, March 8th

CTF Advanced 10am-12:30pm

CTF Advanced Debrief 12:30-pm-1pm

CTF Beginner/Intermediate Debrief 1pm-1:30pm

Prizes for all CTF Rounds 1:30pm-2pm

By popular demand, on Sunday we will be presenting our advanced CTF. This round utilizes a platform presented by Attivo Networks. You will be faced with scenarios of a intro level pentester and lots and lots of riddles. If you like puzzles and challenges, this is definitely the event for you.



Friday, March 6, 2019 - 10am to 8pm 
Saturday, March 7, 2019 - 11am to 8pm 
Sunday March 8, 2019 - 10am - 2:00pm

Friday, March 6, 2020 - 10:00 to Sunday, March 8, 2020 - 14:00

Event Sponsors