Sharon Levy (WIOS)
PHP and JavaScript: An Introduction

Sharon has been working with Open Source technologies since the dot-com boom, where she worked for several high profile companies.  One company she worked at, had her script their "Star Wars" quiz which received high acclaim from the online 'zine Salon ( has been recognized as a resource for HR professionals, first qualified by Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, and then included in the search engine of Human Resource Executive Online(R):

Sharon's skillset includes the LAMP stack as well as front end technologies such as JavaScript, CSS and XHTML.  Her resume includes providing solutions to companies in a range of industries from avionics to e-commerce as well as webhosting and advertising.

After attaining a B.A. from UCLA, Sharon went on to earn a certificate in C/UNIX from UCLA Extension.  This past September, Sharon undertook an examination to become one of the very few women in the world who is a Zend Certified Engineer in PHP5.

While she has worked as a PHP Developer on various platforms, Sharon's preferred platform  is unquestionably Linux. She is a member of  LAMPSIG as well as Linux Chix.

Sharon has been a PHP evangelist since two major versions ago when she first discovered it. She has touted its merits to the Unix Users Association of Los Angeles as well as most recently speaking at the Southern California Code Camp, held at USC.


1. Introduction

  • Short humorous javascript promoting PHP (with music).
  • Brief remarks about the way PHP and JavaScript can work together.

2. Glancing at PHP

  • Server-side Scripting Language (presenting a slide showing PHP's market share on the Internet)
  • Official website:
  • CODE Examples

3. Eyeballing JavaScript

  • Superset of EcmaScript (Official Standard)
  • JSON aka JavaScript Object Notation - Subset of JavaScript 1.5 (ECMAScript-262 3rd ed)
  • CODE Examples

4. PHP / JavaScript Communication - CODE EXAMPLES:

  • Passing PHP to JavaScript
  • Passing JavaScript to PHP
  • Cookies, PHP and Javascript
  • Data Transfer: PHP,JS,JSON and More!

5. Conclusion

  • Short humorous javascript (variation of the intro) with music
  • Questions?

6. Addendum

  • Code Viewer Components: (X)HTML| PHP| JS
  • Apache Configuration File
  • Music Script