Brian Degenhardt - FourLoop
Chief Technology Officer
Speaking Topic: VoIP in Open Source

Brian Degenhardt's experience in the hi-tech industry includes work in such diverse areas as network engineering, on-line media delivery and console game development. Currently he serves as CTO of Four Loop Technologies, the makers of the Switchvox PBX. Brian has contributed to numerous Open Source Projects including the GIMP and the Squid Web Proxy Cache. He's also contributed to the book VoIP Hacks, published by O'Reilly and Associates.


This talk will provide an overview of voice over IP from an open source perspective. Key technologies, protocols, software packages, and hardware devices will be explained, as well as how they all interact. The aim of this talk will be to give a broad overview of the landscape in order to give linux enthusiasts a foundation to further explore this diverse subject.

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