Alison Chaiken, a long-time SCALE attendee and presenter, speaks on "Automotive Linux, Cybersecurity and Transparency" on SCALE Friday at 10. The SCALE Team caught up with her to ask her about her presentation.
Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?
A: I'm a Linux kernel and systems programming engineer who has worked on automotive projects for about 4 years. I'm excited that people who love Linux now have the opportunity to buy a car that runs their favorite operating system, and hope that we can use the power of software to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation sector in the same way that computation has revolutionized other domains.
Q: You're giving a talk on "Automotive Linux, Cybersecurity and Transparency." Without tipping your hand on the actual talk, can you give us an idea of what we might expect?
A: We find ourselves at a moment where the engineering and policy decisions we make on topics like automotive communications standards and networks will have real consequences not only for the transportation sector but for climate change, digital privacy and urban planning. A rough draft of the slides for my talk on this topic may be found at http://she-devel.com/Chaiken_automotive_cybersecurity.pdf
Q: Is this your first visit to SCALE? If so, what are your expectations? If not, can you give us your impressions of the event?
A: I believe that this is my fifth or so SCALE, and the third time I'll be a presenter. This year I'm particularly looking forward to hearing Cory Doctorow, although there are always repeat speakers from whom I learn every single year. The SCALE expo is the biggest Linux one that I've ever attended, easily dwarfing the exhibits at LinuxCon or OSCON, and the social events are hella fun.
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
A: A big shout out to the SCALE volunteers. I was knocked out last year that the WiFi worked perfectly and that video of the presentations was available the same day. SCALE's organizers are a class bunch, and I thank them for giving me the opportunity to speak again.
SCALE Team interview by Larry Cafiero